Assistive Technology Speed Date

We have eight fantastic assistive technology suppliers lined up to showcase their solutions to you. During speedy 20-minute sessions, you'll gain an understanding of how each assistive technology can be used, for time-efficient CPD from your computer screen. Check out the presentations below.

⌚ Thu 5th October, 9:30 - 13:10

🆓 Online, free to attend

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Luna: AI-generated flashcards for smarter learning

We will be running through our latest product, Luna, and the ways it can help students learn. We'll demo how Luna creates flashcards using AI and then provides an evidence-backed revision schedule which works. Background will also be given on how we've made Luna as accessible as possible and developed certain features with learning difficulties in mind, and the specific ways it helps with certain disabilities. There will also be the opportunity to provide feedback on and ask questions about Luna.


  • Caption.Ed- Transcription, Captioning and Notetaking.
  • TalkType- Dictation programme across all 3 platforms.

Training Your Dragon!

This session will demonstrate some of the key features of Dragon showing how they can help DSA students, and then look at how the Dragon eLearning Solution can reinforce this knowledge whenever required.

The #1 AT solution for note taking is even better: updates to the mobile app

Join us as we delve into the world of Glean, a cutting-edge note-taking tool. Discover how Glean empowers users, ensuring they conquer information overload by effortlessly recording lectures or meetings, importing slides, and transcribing audio into text. Once recorded, see how users can organise, refine and enrich their notes at their own pace to create unique and meaningful multimedia resources using Glean.

During this session, you’ll also get to see the exciting product updates to the Glean mobile app, with improved transcription functionality and the ability to enrich your notes with definitions straight from your phone.

Create Inspiration diagrams from any Word or PowerPoint document

Launching soon, Inspiration Maps Generator allows users to take content from any Word or PowerPoint document and effortlessly create an Inspiration diagram from it. In this presentation, see how users will be able to:

  • Convert slides into an Inspiration diagram, so they can use Inspiration to note take and afterwards, build out their diagrams using research from other sources.
  • Import a Word document into Inspiration, to allow them to process, spatially re-organise and synthesize the content in a non-linear and creative way.
  • Take Word documents exported from other AT software into Inspiration, so they can flesh out their notes visually.

From reading to knowledge that sticks

Enhance reading, comprehension and organisation, helping students tackle academic texts in bite-sized sections.

New Assistive Technology Toolbar & Course Specific Vocabularies

Our presentation will cover Spellex’s assistive technology products and course-specific vocabularies that provide basic literacy assistance for neurodiverse students and professionals. See a complete demonstration of new enhancements to Spellex Write-Assist, our all-in-one Assistive Technology Toolbar.

Spellex Write-Assist now integrates with Google Chrome and includes speech-to-text, text-to-speech, definitions and pronunciations, advanced British spelling and error reporting, screen masking, dyslexic type font, picture dictionary, pdf tools, image-to-text, and more!

The Power of Voice: Text-to-speech support with Read&Write and ClaroRead

Join the Texthelp Team as they showcase the power of text-to-speech tools for empowering students to succeed and feel confident in their abilities. Explore how Texthelp’s Read&Write and ClaroRead are revolutionising the learning experience for students.

During this session you’ll discover how Read&Write and ClaroRead leverage advanced text-to-speech technology, transforming written text into natural-sounding speech. By providing auditory support, these products remove barriers for students with reading difficulties, dyslexia, or visual impairments, granting them access to information in a format that suits their learning preferences.